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Your Gut Health

Kim Shapira
April 17, 2023
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Did you know that your gut health affects everything in your body? Your GI tract is your body's main communication center and it plays a vital role in your wellbeing. We shed the lining of our gut everyday.  The lining of your gut needs attention, it needs to properly be maintained and fertilized.  

Let's talk about what you can add to help enrich the lining of your gut to improve your digestion and overall well-being.

Fiber- from good ole whole grains . (We need minimum 25 grams a day . Add it in slowly and steadily- and make sure the grains you are eating are ones that love you back. If you aren't sure- try the everlywell food sensitivity test- this will tell you what works and doesn't work for your body right now- remember the key to success is  progress not perfection ) .

Fish Oils-you can get these from chia seeds, flax seed or an omega 3 supplement.

A variety of fruits and vegetables- these are full of antioxidants that help you lower inflammation and boost your immune system.

A probiotic here’s my favorite.

In addition to these add-ons, here are a few other things you can do to improve your gut health:

Smell your food make sure that you’re producing saliva which is carrying essential enzymes that help you break down your food.

Chew your food slowly and intentionally, this is the only form of mechanical breakdown we get- and it happens in your mouth. If your food is not chewed properly, it can cause digestive issues.

Lastly, and most importantly, make sure you’re ready to eat. Ask yourself, "am

I hungry in my stomach?" "Is my mouth watering?"  If you answered yes- you are ready.

These are my tips. I hope they help.



Kim Shapira

Kim Shapira

dietitian and nutrition therapist.

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