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Everything we eat is actually processed

Kim Shapira
April 7, 2024
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Everything we eat is actually processed

Myth Busted

Myth: All Processed Foods are Unhealthy

Hey there, folks! I want to clear up a common misconception: not all processed foods are bad for you. Actually, everything we eat is processed in one way or another. In fact, the vegetables I just ate came from a farm and were then placed in a plastic container some organic and some not. Both were processed. Sure, some processed foods can be packed with stuff like added sugars and unhealthy fats, but not all processing is created equal. Think about frozen fruits and veggies or canned beans—they're processed, sure, but they're still packed with nutrients. The trick is to check labels and choose options with minimal additives.

Truth: Choosing minimally processed options can actually be a smart move, as some processing methods help preserve nutrients and extend shelf life without compromising on nutrition

Myth: All Natural Foods Are Superior

Now, onto another myth: the idea that all-natural foods are automatically better for you. While it's true that whole, natural foods like fruits and veggies are super important, not all processed foods are the enemy. Take fortified cereals, for example—they can provide essential vitamins and minerals that might be lacking in your diet. The key is to focus on the overall nutritional quality of the food, not just its processing status.

Truth: Some processed foods can offer convenience and nutrition without skimping on quality. It's all about making informed choices and prioritizing nutrient-rich options.

Myth: Ultra-processed foods Are Harmless in Moderation

Let's talk about those tempting ultra-processed foods—yeah, the ones that taste so good but aren't exactly doing wonders for our health. You might think having them in moderation is fine, but the truth is, even occasional indulgences can add up. These foods are often loaded with added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives that can wreak havoc on our bodies over time.

Truth: While it's okay to enjoy them once in a while, it's important to keep tabs on how often we're indulging in ultra-processed foods and strive to limit our intake for the sake of our health.

Myth: Processed Foods Have No Nutritional Value

Now, here's a myth that needs busting: the idea that all processed foods are devoid of nutrients. While some may lose a bit of their nutritional punch during processing, many processed foods still offer plenty of goodness. Take yogurt or cheese, for instance—they undergo processing but still pack a nutritional punch with calcium and protein.

Truth: Certain processing methods, like canning and freezing, can even help preserve nutrients in foods like fruits and veggies, making them accessible and nutritious all year round.

Myth: All Processed Foods Are Equally Unhealthy

Last but not least, let's set the record straight: not all processed foods are created equal. While some may be lacking in nutrients and loaded with unhealthy additives, others can be nutritious additions to our diets. Think whole grain bread or minimally processed snacks—they can be part of a balanced diet without sacrificing taste or nutrition.

Truth: By making mindful choices and opting for minimally processed options whenever possible, we can nourish our bodies with wholesome, nutritious foods while still enjoying the occasional treat.

By addressing these myths head-on and providing evidence-based truths, we can empower our audience to make informed decisions about their food choices and ultimately lead healthier, happier lives.



Kim Shapira

Kim Shapira

dietitian and nutrition therapist.

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